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Research Based,
Tried and Tested

Our neuroscientists discovered a proprietary method that combines nature’s purest bioactive compounds to protect your brain cells from the inevitable. Ginseng is the natural compound reported to have one of the best overall effects on cognition, memory and motor activity.


How we are different from other ginseng-based supplements

Supplements made from ginseng have one major flaw: inconsistent results. They work on some, but not on everyone. They work sometimes, but not when you really need it!

NeuroPro is superior to the many off-the-counter brain supplements because our neuroscientists have been able to standardize the amount of the active ingredient in each capsule that reach the elusive areas in the brain effectively. NeuroPro has shown to have a consistent effect on everyone, every time, with desired results.


Enhanced absorption, with 10 times the power

Our neuroscientists have been able to extract ‘ginsenosides’, the active ingredient in Ginseng, to have the highest potency and purity that enhances the brain’s absorption by TEN times.


Meet Our Team

Neurodyn is a team of neuroscientists and doctors with a clear vision – to enhance everyone's brain health and wellness with scientifically perfected natural ingredients.

  • Jackalina Van Kampen, PhD

  • Harry Robertson, PhD, FRSC

  • Denis Kay, PhD

  • Dr. Marc Richard, PhD

  • Ken Cawkell, LLB

  • Bob Cervelli, M.Sc

  • Dr. Alex McLellan, B.Sc., ND